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Gastroenterology | Bariatric Surgery in Hyderabad | Star Hospitals

Overview: Bariatric surgery accentuates weight loss in obese people who have not seen desired results with other weight loss attempts. It reduces the stomach’s storage capacity, which limits food intake and helps you feel full much sooner than normal.

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To give a quick overview of obesity, it is excess body fat accumulation with multiple organ-specific pathological consequences. Characterized by Body Mass Index (BMI), it is calculated by Weight (in Kgs) divided by height (in Meter) squared.
A BMI classifies one as:
Underweight< BMI 18.5
Normal weight: BMI 18.5-24.9
Overweight: BMI 25-29.9
Obesity Class I: BMI 30-34.9
Obesity Class II: BMI 35-39.9
Obesity Class III: BMI 40-49.9
Super Obesity: BMI 50 and above
Bariatric Surgery in Hyderabad- Call Now For Online Or offline Appointment
Few factors, which lead to obesity, include:
·         Consumption of high calorie food (high Fat and Carbohydrates)
·         Consumption of excess food (too much food)
·         Not enough exercise and sedentary life
·         Genetic factors
·         Endocrine factors
Services and Facilities: The Department of Bariatric Surgery at Star Hospitals has proven to be one of the leading centres, with a team of highly specialized consultants, allied specialists and dieticians, providing better outcomes and improved quality life for obese patients. Dedicated before and after surgery teams look after the patients throughout the patients’ weight loss journey, from making that first decision to providing ongoing weight loss support and advice post the surgery. Our weight loss programs are a mix of most advanced knowledge and technology, extensive experience and highest level of compassion. We perform different types of weight loss surgeries with the utmost care and concern.


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